• Cuccioli

    Anno nascita (2017,2018,2019,2020)

    Corso “Cuccioli”

    Il Corso “Cuccioli” è dedicato alle bambine e ai bambini di età compresa tra i 4 e i 7 anni.

    La scherma è uno sport completo, che si può iniziare a praticare a partire dai quattro anni d’età e che non richiede particolari predisposizioni fisiche. Esso sviluppa agilità, velocità, coordinazione, equilibrio mentale e migliora la resistenza muscolare. Il corso prevede la ginnastica psicomotoria perché i bambini in questa fascia di età devono cominciare a sviluppare il rapporto con il loro corpo e in relazione allo spazio che vivono. Vengono stimolati con giochi di squadra, a coppie e individuali. Vengono proposti esercizi di mantenimento dell’ equilibrio mirati alla scherma.


    La durata è di 9 mesi, da settembre fino a giugno dell’anno successivo


    E’ sufficiente una tuta e scarpe da ginnastica mentre, le armi e la restante attrezzatura per il primo approccio con la scherma sono forniti dal Circolo.


    Fino a 2 volte la settimana per tutte le categorie di atleti


    Certificazione rilasciata dal Medico di famiglia  (obbligatoria anche nella settimana di prova)

    Cosa portare in palestra

    • Borraccia (erogatore d’acqua disponibile in paletsra)
    • Occorrente per la doccia
    • Tuta e scarpe da ginnastica

    Quota Iscrizione Annuale

    Corso Cuccioli

    I Benefici

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • Esordienti

    Anno di nascita 2016

    Scherma Firenze


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • Prime Lame

    Anno di nascita 2015

    Scherma Firenze

    Prime Lame

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • GPG Bambine/Maschietti

    Anno di nascita 2015

    Scherma Firenze

    GPG Bambine/Maschietti

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • GPG Giovanissime/Giovanissimi

    Anno di nascita 2013

    Scherma Firenze

    GPG Giovanissime/Giovanissimi

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • GPG Ragazze/i

    Anno di nascita 2012

    Scherma Firenze

    GPG Ragazze/i

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • GPG Allieve/i

    Anno nascita (2011)

    Scherma Firenze

    GPG Allieve/i

    Il corso Cuccioli is a great mix of cardio training and flexibility with a focus on low impact movement and low risk activity at an achievable pace. This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fintess. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • Cadetti

    Anno di nascita 2010,2009,2008

    Scherma Firenze


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • Giovani

    Anno di nascita (2005,2006,2007)

    Scherma Firenze


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • Assoluti

    Anno di nascita dal 2004

    Scherma Firenze


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • Master

    Anno di nascita (dal 2001)

    Scherma Firenze


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning



  • Paraolimpica

    Anno di nascita (???)


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris fringilla turpis interdum sed pulvinar nisi malesuada.


    Medium – Heigh




    Cardio Stamina

    No long-term contract

    Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no long-term contract

    Best equipment

    Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

    Excercise round the clock

    Take advantage from gym’s benefits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in each of the available plans

    Dedicated gym app

    App users can book space at your gym’s classes, with personal trainers more all through your gym app

    What to Bring to Class

    • Water bootle (water will be available)
    • Towel
    • Loose-fitting tank tops and shorts
    • High-athletic socks and sweatbands
    • High-impact sports bra (women)

    Class Prices

    10 Punch Pass
    1-Month Pass
    3-Month Pass
    1-Year Pass

    The Benefits

    This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Active Adults class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people. The benefits are increase range of motion, support body function and movement.





    Fat Burning


